
Active Member
Yesterday, I was quite pleased to have had the most fun flying in the eleven years since I have been out of the back seat of the F-15E, and the most fun I have EVER had flying as a pilot.

I was privileged to fly with Freedom Flight as #4, on Deuce's wing with Wheel and Hacksaw as our lead element.

This was my re-introduction to formation flying, and it felt like drinking from a fire hose. My rejoins were very timid, and I felt very cautious--thus rarely tight enough in formation. Echelon turns as a newbie #4 are very humbling. Where is that afterburner when I need it?

After the basic formation intro came the real fun. Trail formation aerobatics. Wow. Three perfectly-spaced RVs in front of me. Then there was me, somewhere about 1/2 mile behind trying to figure out what is going to happen next. In the briefing they were kind enough to point out that with my nosewheel, I would have a hard time keeping up. So I'll accept that excuse. Yeah. Whatever. I only became blind once, as everyone else rounded a cloud formation and I struggled to keep up.

Overall, this was the most rewarding experience yet of my brief, eight-month career as an RV pilot.

Many, many thanks to Freedom Flight. I will be back to see you fellas.

Hopefully many more great experiences to come.