I am flying into Santa Monica this weekend and never been there. Does anyone have a recommendation of an FBO that is friendly to our GA aircraft? I flew into Van Nuys last time and it really seemed more geared to corporate and wanted to avoid that mistake again...


I think there is only two, Atlantic and Aeroplex. I haven't used either so I have no info. Do be aware there is a landing fee at KSMO.
I havent been there since the runway debacle, so I am curious, too. I am due for a visit.

In the past, it has generally been a good to great GA airport. Free transient parking all along the south of runway. Fee for overnight but waived if you got fuel. Generally, Atlantic and private jets were north of runway. Flying INTO the basin is just so darn cool.

Hence, why it's been a great loss to lose such a great historical airport, so close to LA attractions.

I fly into KSMO regularly in my Sportsman or in our Cirrus. I go to Atlantic and they treat me like gold. There is a landing fee and facilities fee, but much of it is waived when you buy fuel. Or if you're only doing a pick-up or drop-off.

I've found SMO to be one of the friendliest places I've flown to. Even before they shortened the runway and there were a lot more jets, they still treated me great. Now there are fewer jets, and they always accommodate me. Very nice facility. Seems like last week when I landed in the Cirrus, fuel was just under $6.00/gal

Hope this helps

landing fee at smo

You will be billed automatically for each landing by a contract company hired by the City of Santa Monica to collect these fees. The charge is based on your max gross weight which they have in their database. It is about $6 per 1000 lbs so a RV would be about 10$. You cannot pay it on the spot. They send a bill to the registered owner address.

KSMO is ideally located for visiting LA especially the westside. However, I will not patronize the place because the City of SM is anti-aviation and is closing the airport for good in the future.
KSMO is ideally located for visiting LA especially the westside. However, I will not patronize the place because the City of SM is anti-aviation and is closing the airport for good in the future.

That seems like it will reinforce their decision if the a/c traffic drops from now to closing. If the airport stays busy wouldn't there be a chance to reverse the decision based on economic impact?
That seems like it will reinforce their decision if the a/c traffic drops from now to closing. If the airport stays busy wouldn't there be a chance to reverse the decision based on economic impact?

No, not in my opinion. Look at it this way; They hired a company to collect a landing fee to keep people from landing there. They shortened the runway to keep jets (read $$$) out. As property in Santa Monica became more valuable, the city is getting big-dollar offers from developers to re-purpose the land.

Simply put, there just isn't enough support for the airport.

That seems like it will reinforce their decision if the a/c traffic drops from now to closing. If the airport stays busy wouldn't there be a chance to reverse the decision based on economic impact?

The airport is worth more as land for the developers. The locals hate the airport for the noise, more flights just pisses them off more.
I landed there last year for an overnight, and Atlantic was great. Typical big city prices, but not unreasonable. Upon leaving, the controller was the biggest JERK I have ever spoken to. Very condescending and rude. He had a problem with everything I said. I sat at the hold short line for 10 minuets and could not get clearance to take off even after multiple requests. Finally told him (in the nicest way I could), are you going to let me take off or should I taxi back and let my engine cool off.... it was a typical 100 mile visibility day in California.

Anyway, a month later an envelope arrived from the billing company for the city by regular US mail. Not sure what ever happened to the bill, it must have been misplaced between the mailbox and my desk🙄. Never heard from them again.

I would gladly support Atlantic, but after dealing with the controller and B.S the city is doing, I?ll never be back there.

It is a crime. I hope this wrong gets righted before my plane is done and it becomes an airport again.