
Well Known Member
Total coincidence but I happened to be flying near the Royals stadium tonight when this caught my eye......(iPhone pic)


I've got to make it to a formation clinic!
Yes, you do!

Go to the one at Pine Bluff in a week and half. It is listed on the VAF calendar.

KC Flight did the Royals flyover last night. There were ten of us in the flight. Our lead was able to adjust the flight when we were 90 seconds out from TOT. The proceedings were 60 seconds late. BeeGee did a good job of S-turning the formation twice during that time to delay our arrival and we came over the field tight.

What a game that turned out to be!!
I was hoping to be able to make the Pine Bluff clinic when it was tentatively scheduled in Nov, unfortunately family/work won't let me attend in October:(.
KC Fight

Dang, missed another one. I need to move to Lee's Summit! Now if I could just convince the other half.....

Pine Bluff Clinic

The Pine Bluff Clinic was postponed because of weather. It is now scheduled for Oct 31 - Nov 2. You can still make it.
The Pine Bluff Clinic was postponed because of weather. It is now scheduled for Oct 31 - Nov 2. You can still make it.

My heart skipped a beat when I say it was re-scheduled, but a cousin's wedding already has that weekend booked :(