[email protected]

Well Known Member
Just want to let folks know about the professional manner (and beyond) in which Joe & his team at Aircraft Propeller Service, LLC treated me recently.

I purchased my PCU5000-X governor on a group buy back in June, 2020. I did this to take advantage of the opportunity to save $$ on a quality/reputable governor.

Now that I am near the finish line with my RV-7 build, and doing engine runs, my prop just would not cycle. After much troubleshooting, we decided to call Joe and express our concern. Without hesitation, he had another governor built and sent out to me within a day or two.

It turns out that the problem was within the engine case (missing oil galley plug; see CMI SIL011) and not with the governor. I have since had to remove my engine and ship it back to the engine builder for the fix.

Joe demonstrated superb customer service throughout the ordeal and called me personally for updates as I re-installed the second governor. I can only imagine the extra patience that must be needed to deal with some of us rookie builders in the experimental world. I did have lots of help from lots of folks during this process of troubleshooting the problem. Everyone was stumped, until I called the engine builder (I'll save this for another post).

Thanks Joe & APS!

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