
Well Known Member
J.H. Audio Headsets Rock!
Best headset ever!...Well, it's not often I get to review a new "cutting edge" product for aviation that started literally in my backyard. My friend Jerry Harvey at J.H. Audio in Apopka, FL formerly built custom earpieces for professional musicians (Van Halen, Mariah Carey..etc) and his expertise is in sound engineering. Jerry is also a Pilot and always felt that current aircraft headsets were falling well short of the capabilities and technology that exists. Jerry's "outside the headset box" thinking led him to designing a new way to receive and transmit information inside an aircraft that is well, revolutionary. J.H. Audio has produced a headset Aerous (two earpieces) consisting of Custom Fit earpieces with -34 DBA passive capabilities without having to wear a cumbersome clamp across the top of your cranium squeezing your sunglasses into your temples! It has the capability to provide amazing cockpit quiet and a side benefit of listening to music (iPod etc) with an adapter, but is primarily for use in your airplane.
First, after you a purchase a headset, J.H. Audio has a list of audiologists all over the US (and world) through the SONUS network for ear mold fitting. Jerry can even schedule a fitting for you. While there, some you you may want to get your hearing checked :) Next, JH will begin custom building your headset to your specifications (mike on left ear or right) The JH Audio earpieces alone provide 34 DBA passive protection (amazing, by the way) with a small, easy to use control box for volume and stereo/mono selection. Inside the tiny earpieces are a collection of speakers and drivers providing the best sound quality I have ever experienced.


JH Audio Aerous VX3
Fully customized to YOU!
Drivers: 20HZ/16K
Passive 3 way crossover
150 OHM
-34 DBA passive 3 speakers in each earpiece
Electret microphone
Detachable cable & boom
Personalized Carbon Fiber storage case (very cool)

Flight test:
I probably have the toughest aircraft to prove headsets in existence, the Harmon Rocket 2. I compared the JH Audio with my Bose X in a direct, in flight comparison. (The JH top line Aerous costs roughly the same as the Bose X.) Normally on takeoff my Bose X has trouble with ANR and "pops" as the noise level is extreme, inflight the Bose X was the best I had tried. Not anymore. Enter the JH Audio earpieces. Once you get used to installing the JH Audio earpieces inside your ears, the rest is a non-event. They just feel natural.
Flight: On takeoff it was so quiet I thought I wasn't developing full power and took some getting used to! Second I REALLY liked not having a clamp on my head especially in the Rocket where my canopy has scratches from me moving my head around on the ground and in flight. In flight I removed the earpieces and put the Bose X back on for a comparison at medium cruise power, 185 Knots, vents open, 90 degrees F, typical FL summer day. Bose X on, I noticed a definite wind noise and higher level of noise than with the JH Aerous. Second, I immediately noticed the headset "clamping" on my cranium, and it's weight. Then I removed the Bose X and put the JH earpieces back in. Much quieter and more comfortable.
Next test was aerobatics, will they stay in under a G load? After 10 minutes the answer was clear, what an improvement, no weight on your head, easier movement and they stay in just fine. I love these earpieces! I haven't tried on a long trip yet but can already tell they will be more comfortable, especially with sunglasses, no pressure! My wife also has a set and needless to say, headsets are cumbersome on girls and mess up their hair. The JH earpieces avoid all of the above and provide great sound quality as well. Bottom line is this: My hearing is valuable to me and (what's left of it after 25 years flying loud jets) I want the best protection I can get. These are the best, period.

Tomorrow, JH Audio begins sales and marketing for their incredible line of hearing protection aviation earpieces. The value is incredible and introductory pricing competitive.

For more information:

Respectfully Submitted

Rob "Smokey" Ray

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now selling my Bose

My wife bought me a Bose Headset for Christmas and it was a fantastic gift. I have an RV-4 that I keep at the same airport (X-04) near Orlando Florida where Jerry has his new business. I received my headset a few weeks ago and WOW!!!! I diddo everything Smokey wrote. I now have a Bose set for sale. please make offers. RV'rs out there, This is the real deal.

bill whidden
Terminology question

I had to ask.
The JH Audio earpieces alone provide 34 DBA passive protection (amazing, by the way) with a small, easy to use control box
I'm sure you meant to say container...
Then you said:
without having to wear a cumbersome clamp across the top of your cranium
Did you mean to say head??

Had to take the opportunity to bust a Viper guy's chops...

Seriously, good write-up. I was looking at buying the U fly mike to go with the Bose QC2 headset, but I'll have to look at these first.
