robert Spicer

I'm New Here
I am purchasing a 2006 model RV8A finished in 2008 closing is this Friday 28 July 2023. The aircraft has 410 TT.

My insurance requires I have 3 hours dual and 6 hours solo before I fly with a passenger. The dual requirement is with an instructor pilot with at least 25 hours in RV8A. I am having difficulty finding him/her on our field. The seller purchased the aircraft from the builder in 2008. The owner is not an IP and is medically challenged at the moment so definitely not able to fly me to another airport for instruction. I have flown the back seat many times. I am current and active with Civil air patrol.

I have a current VFR PPL and medical. I am transitioning from C172 and C182. I have about 350 total time with about 60 hours in the last two years.

As you can imagine I am very excited to get started.

I can be reached at 303 887 1729


Thank you everybody that reached out. I have found a CFI at a nearby Airport. We start on Friday.
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Well, I didn't send you a PM since your account is set up to block PMs.

Jason Ely lives in Golden and has a tailwheel RV-14 based at Boulder. He is a CFI and a very experienced commercial pilot in a variety of aircraft. He was my co-pilot for the same insurance requirements for the first few flights in my RV-10.

Given the similarities between the RV-10 and RV-14 (his tailwheel notwithstanding), and the similarities between the RV-10 and various other planes he has flown, he was comfortable helping with my transition training. I don't know what he would think about an RV-8, but he is worth asking.

His number is 303 709 4592
Just re-read the original post. I didn't look super closely the first time. My insurance requirement was X hours with a CFI and Z hours solo before passengers. Mine did NOT require that the CFI had time in type. I was offered a different policy that did require 50 hours time in type for the CFI, but I chose a different policy.

With that in mind, Jason was a great fit for me but maybe not for you.

I know that Van's has some recommendations (I think on their website) for transition training, but you may have to travel out of state to fly with them.
I’m looking to fly into KAPA for the upcoming mountain flying course. Still working on my CFI but the course has a cross country option, I was told there is a CFI at the Colorado Pilots Association that has RV8 experience. Just got his contact info and I will ask what kind of experience he has, I’ll get back to the post.
I don't know why the underwriters are such meanies. They also seem to have different rulez depending on which lunar phase we're in.

I bought in 2016 - My transistion instructions were that the CFI have >25 hours in nose wheel RVs. They didn't care about seating arrangement, just where the extra wheel was.

The last transitioner (word?) the wording was >25 in make and model. Well, that's okay since he did my transition, and my flight reviews, and two other transition pilots...

But I've not seen this asked or answered... how many (Model) RV-6A's have the same (Make) "fill in the builder name here"

Might not help OP find an instructor, but might give him some questions to take back to the insurance broker.
I contacted the insurance company for clarification. Any CFI with at least 25 hours in any A model RV will meet the requirement.
I contacted the insurance company for clarification. Any CFI with at least 25 hours in any A model RV will meet the requirement.

Tim Sale at KAPA has 120hrs in almost every RV model except for the 8, let me know if you are interested and I can PM you his info. I just found this out today.