
Well Known Member
I live in FLL. I have a small light sport plane now and am thinking of getting a bigger plane. I like the RV series but want to learn more before I decide.

Is there an RV group in FLL or South FL?

I have an -8 at an airpark 12 miles West of PBI. Several RVs @ Stewart not sure if there are any 4/8's there though.

You can take a look at mine if you like - send me a PM. My runway is undergoing a paving project so no flying for at least several more weeks while they finish it up.

Biannual XPDR/STATIC check near F45 or Stewart

Anybody have a recommendation for a good avionics guy who is experimental EFIS friendly (Dynon SV) for an IFR biannual XPDR / Static check?

