
Well Known Member
Hi all,

I am looking to fit and install the 821 front skin with Clecos and then fit the cowling and rivet the 821 at a later date, will that be OK or will there be movement when I rivet the skins together.

That'll work!


That is just what I did, and now that the 821 is rivetted in palce, the cowl fits just as well as it did when it was clecoed. I even built my forward bagge door with the 821 skin clecoed on (contrary to the instructions) and it fits as well as any that I have seen.

Good luck!

Paul Dye
Canopy and Windshield Finished! :D
fwd skin

Has anybody done the canopy initial fit with the fwd skin still clecoed? Glad to hear your baggage door fits well. Bill

I did the canopy fit with the 821 clecoed on as well - no problems at all. My windshield fit to the 821 was as good as I've seen in most folks pictures. After rivetting the 821, I "glued" on the windshield with an epoxy resin/flox paste dyed black with gelcoat pigment, so that I wouldn't see an off-color line from the cockpit - worked great!

Paul Dye