
Well Known Member
I am planning to purchase RV in USA Can some one of the guys who imported one give me some advices on how to ????
will really appreciate your help

Please PM

Can't advise in the import side. I can tell you that the US does NOT export experimental amateur-built aircraft. You simple deregister the aircraft and remove the "N" number.

The Canadian side is another issue.

You should become familiar with this website. It has information on importing amateur built (experimental in the US) into Canada.
The easiest way is to talk to the owner to leave it registered and have them fly it into the country or fly it yourself if you have an American PL. Once into Canada and the taxes paid and delivered to the airport where the work and inspection are to be done de register it. Make sure you work with the MD-RA. The process is very easy having done many of them.
As mentioned, become very familiar with the MD-RA. They have a package prepared that explains your steps required to get it registered in Canada and get it flying. When you first look at it, it may seem overwhelming but if you work through the list step by step, it is not too bad. When I brought mine in, as mentioned above, I had the owner fly it in and then I derigistered it in the USA. They did advise me at the border when I was returning with some spare parts that I did not do the process properly. I advised them that the airplane was not sold until it arrived and I was able to do a final inspection which was true. I had the bill of sale and advised them I was paying the sales tax on the Monday once the money transfer was completed. No problems occurred.

Good Luck, Al
I imported a glasair not too far back. All from memory but the MD-RA will correct anything is missed.

Switched ownership in the USA but keep the registry in the US. GST is collected upon entry, and life is easier if you fly it in or meet at at the port of entry. I declared a value and gave them a credit card. Very painless.

Once landed you need a certificate from the FAA saying it is not registered there. Takes about 2 days.

With that transport registers the plane and you are in Canada.

You apply the new stickers 12" high or 3 and the under wing with the new reg.
You (or your mechanic) does an annual and fuel flow test.

You add some placards, possibly a certified transponder/encoder, check the prop hasn't timed out (life limited in Canada), add a fire extinguisher and first aid kit.

The MD-RA comes by and inspects it. They put more stickers on the plane, and give you the temporary and away you go.

It sounds worse than it is and I echo the sentiment about the MD-RA being a great help.
I'm not 100 percent sure on an import into Canada, but you may need to instal a gascolator if there is not one already.
Also, be aware that it is difficult to register it with a gross weight that exceeds the kit manufacturer's recommendations.

Don't forget the cost... the MD-RA fees and inspection fees.

It's just easier to buy one in Canada if you can find one... like my sweet RV-9A that's for sale...

The dollars add up. I imported an RV-4 - initial price was quite a bit better than I could find in Canada, however by the time I was done and had it flying I would have been just as far ahead to buy one in Canada for $5 - $10k more.

Costs included: US/Cdn exchange rate, Ferry pilot (I had no time in an RV), MDRA fees, GST (don't have to pay if buying in Canada), Annual Inspection (doesn't matter when the last one was done, have to do one when it arrives), Registration Mark fee, Registration Mark letters, Fire Extinguisher (required in Canada, not in the US). Mine had a gascolator so I avoided having to buy that but as already indicated you will have to have one.

Took 3 months from the time I bought it till I could fly it. If I were doing it again I would look harder for one in Canada.
Also, be aware that it is difficult to register it with a gross weight that exceeds the kit manufacturer's recommendations.

According to recent reports, it's nay impossible to register with anything but the kit manufacturer's recommended gross weight.

However: You can flight test it later if you want to increase it and you believe it's safe to do so.

I wrote an article on importing my RV-6, it's in the March-April 2010 edition of the Recreational Flyer... Available here: http://www.raa.ca/magazine_pdf/MarApril2010lowres.pdf

C-FAH Q said:
I'm not 100 percent sure on an import into Canada, but you may need to instal a gascolator if there is not one already.
I am. If you don't have a gascolator, you'll have to install one.
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MDRA fees for the import process, including the import inspection (NOT the annual you also have to do) was $1000 when I brought my plane in in 2011. Ferry fees may be required for a purchase within Canada too, so that may not be a factor. Keep in mind that you can do the annual required, so that doesn't have to cost you anything.

It is a bit of a process, but if I can do it and not find it too onerous, anyone can. As a previous poster said, it's just a list of things to do that you check off one by one. I made the deal on my plane at the end of July, was able to arrange delivery in early September, and flew it for the first time on Oct. 1.

One other thing; it can take a few days for the FAA to deregister the plane in the US. I hired an agent based in OKC to look after it and it was WELL worth the $100 or so they charged; they literally walked the paperwork across the street to FAA headquarters, waited at the counter as the request was processed, walked back across the street and faxed me the documents. Like I say; well worth their fee.
The only problem i can not find one in canada

The dollars add up. I imported an RV-4 - initial price was quite a bit better than I could find in Canada, however by the time I was done and had it flying I would have been just as far ahead to buy one in Canada for $5 - $10k more.

Costs included: US/Cdn exchange rate, Ferry pilot (I had no time in an RV), MDRA fees, GST (don't have to pay if buying in Canada), Annual Inspection (doesn't matter when the last one was done, have to do one when it arrives), Registration Mark fee, Registration Mark letters, Fire Extinguisher (required in Canada, not in the US). Mine had a gascolator so I avoided having to buy that but as already indicated you will have to have one.

Took 3 months from the time I bought it till I could fly it. If I were doing it again I would look harder for one in Canada.

was looking in canada not many for sale and very few good ones and no one sales them
Whether you buy in Canada or USA, it is very advantageous to do all the inspections, W&B, fuel flow etc. because at the end, you will know your airplane much better. With mine, even though it was a flying plane from a good pilot and AME, I found a blockage in the fuel line while doing the fuel flow test. It was amazing how little light could be seen around the blockage with no noticeable signs while flying.

You will have a much larger selection if you include the States in your search, so much so that it is hard to ignore.

Good luck