
Active Member

warning imaginary RV post...

Here's my RV project ;) For now it's a computer model (FS2004)...built from my preview plans. There's a real one in my future to, soon.

I was hoping some kind soul with a finish kit and a measuring tape could help me. I'm reworking the's not quite right yet. The top deck doesn't slope right and the inlets aren't properly shaped. The line drawing shows an improved inlet shape I created from photographs (thanks Dan C) What I'm looking for is the maximum width (B) and height(C) of the inlets as well as the overall distance(A) between the outer edges of the inlets. With these dimensions I'm pretty sure the rest will follow. Maybe someone has a cowl handy and can take a look.



c= 4"
b= 6.75
a= 27"
on mine that has the snout on the front..

I want a flightsim file though.. :)

That looks so cool, i like the alu finish as well, tru to home builder style.

Godspeed: I want a flightsim file though..
Ditto...if you ask for help, you better want to share the file as well!

Are you going to make the files available???

Kind Regards
Danny, Thanks so much, that?s the ticket?just what I needed. I?ll definitely get you a copy. I?m sure there?s a few beta testers lurking here too :) The project is progressing, but it?s slow work?believe it or not it will likely take as much time as a real RV when it?s done?maybe a QB? but I?m well past 1000 hrs?no joke. Actually this is an exercise in insanity, but once started I?m determined to finish. Hmm, sound familiar? Since I?m a video game artist by trade I thought this project would be a relatively simple exercise to do in my spare time. ..not so. I can tell you this model is as precision detailed as any payware GA product I?ve used. It has a finely detailed IO-360 w. cross over exhaust etc, etc. Everyone asks why an FS plane needs an engine that took two moths to build?I guess if you have to ask you wouldn?t understand :rolleyes: My dream is to work with a good flight dynamics modeler and a publisher and use the funds as seed money towards a real RV project?we?ll see. A 1000 hrs of mowing lawns would have been money in the bank. Unfortunately this is the only way I can see swinging the cost of even a budget RV.
keep pounding those rivets ?I?ll go push pixels;)

Derrell said:
Check these guys out. They have an RV7 plug-in for MS Flight Sim.


Derrell, did you mean to provide a link? I'd love to see a Flight Sim RV.

rv sim

Sounds like with that many hours building it, it should cost a few bucks
I wouldn't mind chipping in for something that good..

The best part of a personal project is you set the schedule. I have no idea when I will be done. I wish I could guess?but every task has taken longer than I anticipated.

It?s definitely a ?labor of love.? So it?s many hours, but I?ve enjoyed this work?and it?s given me a lot of insight into the process of building RV?s. ?As well the community, I was at Langley fly-in today. RV people are great people.

Just to follow up on the cowl dimensions. What caused we so much consternation was differences between cowls for O-320 and 0-360 with vertical induction. I mistakenly thought they were identical but the 0-360 is wider at the inlets and the snorkel hangs lower. Hmmm.

I?ll be in touch.

I bought the RV-7 sim from those guys, and it is outstanding! Lot's of fun to fly on a rainy day!