Tom Martin

Well Known Member
In the course of studying for the IFR written exam I came on this in the COM section of the AIM publication

3.16.8 Avionics Databases

GNSS avionics used for IFR flight require an electronic database that can be updated, normally on 28- or 56-day cycles. The updating service is usually purchased under subscription from avionics manufacturers or database suppliers.

Database errors do occur, and should be reported to the avionics database supplier. Jeppesen accepts e-mailed database reports at <[email protected]>. It is good practice to verify that retrieved data is correct, and it is mandatory to do so for approach data. Verification can be accomplished either by checking waypoint co-ordinates or by checking bearings and distances between waypoints against charts.

By using the word mandatory does that mean that we have to continue to carry all the paper approaches? or can we cross check with the data from, for example, the ForeFlight, charts.
What is practical, or what is actually done in practice?

Thanks in advance.
It is not written in the FARs for a mandatory check of the accuracy of the waypoints via cross check with charts. Information in the AIM is not regulatory. I do cross check with foreflight and my Skyview however.

I found an error in the 300XL RNAV (03) approach to KBKV on Christmas day while IMC. An intermediate fix was missing which was included on the approach plate - Or was this an error on the approach plate???? Hmmm.....

Missing tower on latest Miami sectional (paper, foreflight and SV) about 30 miles NW of KPBI - tower is not new.

So errors occur in both charts/plates and can be reported. The only truth data is what we see when we are flying. If the source data for the charts is in error than all the products using that data will be in error and therefore are not valid cross-checks. IMHO