
I'm New Here
I’m currently building an RV 10 and I’m struggling through the empennage section. I have done several mistakes which I do not know if they are acceptable or not. I’m starting to get frustrated and I think is time to ask for some help. Right now, I’m stationed at FT Knox and the closest EAA technical counselor is like 3 hours away. I really doubt that he will travel that far to only be a few minutes/hours in my house. However, I will be moving (PCSing) to FT Lewis on JUL. I was wondering if there’s an EAA technical counselor available around this area. I have tried contacting EAA Chapter 326, but no one has answered me yet. Any A&P or experienced builder around FT Lewis that is willing to provide mentorship?
I'm from California so I can't help you directly. I definitely benefited from a tech counselor in my neighborhood as I was learning fabrication techniques.

If you can't find a local counselor, you might consider the Synergy Air Empennage Class where you build your empennage in a supervised environment. I haven't done that personally but have heard good things about it from others.

I did take the EAA Vans RV Assembly workshop and found that very helpful, but not quite enough to become completely confident evaluating what work is acceptable.

I also sent pictures to Vans Tech Support multiple times during the build to determine what was acceptable, and I found them very responsive and patient with a newbie.

Best wishes!


I took the Synergyair fundamental class and it was good, but it was not enough to determine what is acceptable or not. Just like what happened to you with EAA assembly workshop.

I have considered Synergyair and Axsysair builder assistance program. However, I’m exploring other options before committing to one of these programs.

Vans tech support is awesome, but I think it’s no substitute for having someone there and evaluating your project.

Thanks for reaching out.
Hi Michael, I'm with EAA326 but since Covid its been pretty dead. When you get up here feel free to reach out to me (PM me for contact details) and I will see about getting you a tech counselor visit. I applied to the EAA to be a tech counselor last week but don't know if it will be granted by the time you show up. Regardless I've built a 9A and a 10 and can probably help you out with your build.
