
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
I started Friday morning with a checkout in Danny King's 'Beautiful Doll'.


I flew front seat (him in back) over to Decatur where we did some touch n go's. Then he got out and I soloed The Doll (he said I'm the 3rd person to ever fly her solo (including Danny)). Very honored.... Did a 3-point and a wheel landing.

Quick points compared to my RV-6.
  • Vis over the right side was outstanding
  • Vis behind (both sides) outstanding
  • Easier to land (larger tail / longer fuse)
  • Easier to take off
Landed and picked Danny back up then off to 52F and breakfast. I screwed that landing up good, much to Danny's relief (he wanted me to at least mess up one).

So, now thanks to Danny I can say I've flown a RV-8. You guys still building them are going to LOVE the view and the ride!!!

That makes the RV-6, RV-7 and RV-8 all entries in my logbook. Smokey, when you coming to town again? (RV-4) ;)
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That's going to be a bit of a let down. I think the 4 is the easiest flying and landing of them all. :)

I've always said that the day Van's offers a match-drilled RV-4 kit is the day I order the kit.

Boy, that 'throttle on the left' was too cool!

Way To Doug!!

Now you know......Cool.
When I get my 8 flying you will see that the 180 hp is a little easer than The Doll
Glad you got to fly her.
Thanks Danny
I was going to write you doug a few weeks ago but I dropped it...

I was going to ask that you NOT post so many stunning (that plane can't help it) picts of "Beautiful Doll" in public. ;)

Everytime I see one I want to just push the RV-7a out of the shop way over in the corner of the parking lot, toss a tarp on it and build an 8.

and that's just WRONG !!! :mad:

I'm gonna paint my 7a silver though, based on those picts of the doll.
