I'm in the process of mounting my Horizontal stabilizer. Sheet #34 of the RV6 plans shows the skin and first rib fall outside of the F-614 deck. Mine, however, overlaps the deck slightly. If I use a 1/8 spacer and level as per the plans, the HS skin makes slight contact with the deck. Seems to me this will cause wear. Has anybody used a spacer thicker than the 1/8 called out in the plans? If I do, will it cause something down the road to be out of adjustment or dangerous stress in the tail feathers?
Thanks, JL
I'm about 6000 miles away from my airplane right now, and I did the HS mounting about 4 years ago. But I'll try to help you out because you don't have any replies yet.

Overlapping the deck a little bit (as viewed looking straight down) is no big deal, and I think its normal if I remember correctly. Properly mounted, the HS should not make ANY contact with deck, however. My spacers were slightly bigger than 1/8". I had 2-piece spacers, in fact - one of the pieces was 1/8", and the others was .040" or so. Moving the HS up a fraction of an inch will make absolutely no difference aerodynamically, so long as you keep the angle of incidence correct.

Good luck,

Jordan "Gadget" Grant
RV-6, N198G, Flying (OK, flew once)