
Well Known Member
OK, we're going to try something new thing month, specifically a new and more fly-in friendly venue. This time we'll hold court at the Runway Cafe at KLBX. Time will be the usual 11:30, this Saturday, 5-15.


Since this is a hefty drive from Houston proper, I'd like to try and get some airplane-pooling going to encourage attendance. If you're able to fly and take passengers, please post here with your departure point/time and who you can carry. If you're looking for a ride, post that here too and we'll work on getting passengers and pilots paired up.

To get us started, I'll be flying down in a rented Arrow out of KTME, probably aiming to depart around 10:30. I can manage about 400 pounds of passengers, so probably two adults in practice unless there are some skinny folks I haven't yet met.

Additionally, this is predicated on me getting my flight review done Thursday, because I am really good at procrastinating... Don't have any reason to think it won't happen, but Murphy can be really obnoxious.
Hmmm, this has potential. I'm going to be dropping a passenger at Sugarland sometime around 10:30-11 that morning and just might be able to make this meetup.
Planning on halletsville flyin on saturday. If the wx does not cooperate, i might be able to be there.
Well that sucks. I didn't realize that the 3rd Saturday was the same day as high school graduation. The Youngest graduates at 10AM on Saturday so I can't make it.
Halletsville is cancelled. Postponed to june.

Aw man, you guys are killin' me! I love nothing better than flying IFR approaches into new airports, I collect those like some guys collect grass strips. Lunch was going to be awesome excuse.

There was an EAA pancake breakfast in Abilene about a year ago on a Saturday morning, weather was 300' and 2 miles in mist. 43 people showed up for breakfast and I was the only one that flew in.
Calendar reminder

This would make a good addition to the VAF Calendar where you’ll get more coverage and Doug will pick it up for his VAF Front Page news.
Afraid I’m not going to make it. Ceilings lower than I expected here at TME. But at least I did a flight review and some actual IMC.