Would you be up for an April 17 RV lunch at 27XS?

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So...if we stick with the usual third-Saturday guideline, that'll put our next lunch on April 17. That, in turn, happens to overlap with Sun n Fun. I'm curious who is and is not planning to head over to Florida that weekend.

My intent was to host another lunch at Sport Flyers, but I don't wanna smoke a bunch of meat only for most everyone to be off doing other fun stuff.

What the heck, let's make it a poll for good measure.
OK, let's make this official. Come out to my place on the 17th at 11:30-ish for some pulled pork and airplane talk. I'll have some tables and chairs out, but if you can bring your own chairs it'd probably be for the best.

As with the last time we did this, please let me know if you're planning on attending, and if you intend to fly in. The former is so I can plan for food stockpiling, the latter is so I can figure out how many neighbors I need to talk to to secure aircraft parking.

Just reply here, send a private message/email through the forums, or text me at four2three 4three2 nine4three7.

Street address is 4614 Windsock Ln, Brookshire. For fly-ins, it'll be the seventh hangar from the north, on the west side of the field. And wonder of wonders, Google Maps now accurately depicts where I live: https://www.google.com/maps/place/4...0cb167fa1adbdd!8m2!3d29.8420182!4d-95.9506451

NOTE FOR FLY-INS: Please don't park on the grass without someone on the ground guiding you. There are culverts on either side of my ramp that you do not want to put a wheel into. I'll have them flagged, but I'd still prefer to provide guidance. Better safe than sorry.
Out next week

We are heading out west next week to Pima, Sedona, monument Valley.

have to miss this time.
Keeping a close eye on the weather over here. So far it's looking optimistic for the rain on Saturday, the real question is how wet it'll get between now and then. I'll post an update on the runway condition here on Friday, though so far I haven't gotten anyone who explicitly said they'd be flying in.
Everything seems good here runway-wise. For the most part it's just been light rain the past few days, with the exception of about 15 minutes just now. Ground is still very firm, which is about what I'd expect since it's been dry for so long.

Now let's just hope the ceiling comes up in the morning...
Well, the ceiling came up, but the winds were a bit stiff. No fly-ins this time, but with some drivers, we still made at least a small dent in my mountain of pulled pork.

Good to see Phil, Bjorn, Dave, and Greg. Here's hoping next time the weather gods will smile upon us and we can get some good fly-in activity.