
Well Known Member
Hey folks, since the third weekend is upon us, I want to at least pop in here and say hi. I know I never posted anything last month - with businesses on lockdown, it didn't seem feasible, but I did get a couple inquiries.

Unfortunately, as we're all aware, businesses remain shut down, which precludes meeting anywhere out and about for lunch. There is the option of meeting elsewhere, and I know I'd talked about hosting at my hangar in April, but both Josie and I have been sick in the past few weeks, and I don't think it's wise right now.

Long story short, I'm not going to plan on a monthly lunch for April either. With any luck, next month we'll be on the other side of this thing and we can get together again - and I intend to follow through on hosting when that time comes.

Thanks for continued interest and attendance; we'll get this thing going again soon.
Thanks for the update Philip. Hope you guys get to feeling better. Please keep us posted on future plans. I am looking forward to the get togethers and visiting with other RVers.
And hello again, fellow builders and flyers. It pains me a bit to say it, but I don't think it's time to get the group together yet. Things are moving in the right direction, but I'd like to see how things develop over the next few weeks as businesses continue to reopen.

You all have my word that unless there's a major resurgence, there will be a June lunch meeting at my hangar at Sport Flyers, with BBQ and burgers up for grabs. If we're lucky and Greg's in town, you might even get to look at two in-progress -8 builds...
Thanks for the update Phillip.

We will all be ready for it. Its been too long. And Sport Flyers means we can fly in.
I made an appearance at the restaurant for you this morning, to pick up a work hand and take him back home to Midland. Sure looking forward to all this mess being over, I miss good Mexican food.