
Well Known Member
Before anyone chastises me for rerunning this subject, rest assured I searched the forums and didn't find the info I was looking for. I'm planning on installing my headset jacks on the top center of the seatback support rail (top of the -705 bulkhead) as I've seen on a number of other RVs. Mine is a -7A T/U and I'm curious if anyone has experienced any noise interference from the flap motor if the wiring is run down inside the flap actuator housing. The wiring will be well secured so there will be no issue with getting caught up in the works. Thanx for any info you may provide.
Headset location

Hi Hawk,
That's exactly where we placed ours but I'm not so sure that I'd do it that way again. We don't have any flap motor noise but we do have alternator noise that we'll filter. The problem is that it's difficult to plug them in or out in flight and they always seem to get hung up in the shoulder harnesses. I think the way to do it is in either front corner near the vents. Our thinking originally was to let the excess length hang over in the baggage area but that's not what happens. :cool:
I put mine in the flap covers in the baggage compartment and run the leads up front along the seats. I hang the headsets on hooks down by our feet. Seems to work well there for us.

Didn't you also......

Hey Roberta,
IIRC you also mounted your strobe PS on the actuator covers. Did you mount it on the left (or right) outboard cover or did you mount it on the vertical "backstrap" in the middle of the bulkhead with a wider subplate? BTW, thanx for the feed back on the headset jacks. You too, Pierre.
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We had a 6A and now a 7 with jacks behind/between the seats. I DON"T LIKE THAT LOCATION. They get tangled and are awkward to get to in flight. Our new 7A has jacks outboard behind the elbow which is my preference.
Good luck.
Headset Jack Location

I put my jacks in the outboard edge of the forward (angled) floor skin. I even have a stereo/mono switch at each set so I can use a mono headset with my stereo intercom system. Installed as per 'lectric Bob's instructions with shieled cable and insulating washers.

I also used a 6-pin molex so I can remove the floor skin without removing the jacks from the skin.

They are never in the way and I can easily reach them in-flight if I want to switch headsets or if I ever had to troubleshoot a loss of comm problem.



These are the best photos I can find right now.
Headset location

Hey Hawk,

Glad to hear your getting along in the project. You'll love it!!

I put mine in the support bar behind the rollbar on my tip up. There is no issues with the cords. They are a little tough to get to in flight so I always check the security of the jacks when I get in. Well worth it to keep the expensive headsets safe!!!