
Pretty new, is John Harmon still active with supplying parts, kits, plans, whatever, for rockets?

Is it only Vince with the F1 rockets now?

The harmonrocket.com website looks to have either been hacked, or incomplete, or something.
Yes to the first question.

John Harmon was never specifically supplying parts for F1 Rockets.

The harmon rocket website is not, nor has ever been a web store. The ?call me now? tab is just that; you?ll get a real live person that?ll sell you rocket plans and/or parts.

Vince is dba Team Rocket. All USA made stamped parts and more in the works. Most rocket stuff at this point is roll your own, so there are several suppliers depending on how you look at it....Van?s and Aircraft Spruce being the biggest I?d imagine.
I'm no expert on Rockets, but in my opinion the Harmon and the F1 are actually two different airplanes that happen to look the same and fulfill the same mission.

Good luck!
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Try going to the Harmon Rocket web page from a desk top computer. I can never get their web page to work from my cell or tablet.
Wiley E
Thanks. Right now I am just trying to understand the current space of who is making what exactly.

The harmonrocket website was giving me a sketchy looking flash required page, and while the link given was an actual adobe link, it looked super fake.
On mobile it displayed a bunch of weird stock photos but did have a picture of a plane and contact info. Just all around sent up red flags. I understand some airplane guys are not computer guys but he really needs to pay one of his friends a few bucks(or beers) to clean it up a bit... haha.

I can't really do anything for a couple years so it's not a big deal, but I think I am more interested in the F1 Rocket side of things because of the information and kit parts available building up. I don't really know all the differences and was hoping to find some of that via the harmon rocket site but it's not there.
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I think the easiest way to look at it like the comparison between the RV-6 and RV-7... Essentially the same airplane and mission, one is just easier to build.
I have twenty years with rockets, having built two HRIIs and five F1s. The standard wing(sport wing) F1 is very similar to the HRII. The main differences are mostly internal parts with the F1 having better manufactured fuselage parts.
The gear on the F1 is, in my opinion, superior to the HRII gear. The newer tails are heavier as well. In terms of flight, on average a F1 is going to be about 3 knots faster then a HRII. The reason for this is the shape of the forward F1 fuselage. It is about 2.5" wider on each side at the lower front fuselage. This gives it a much better airflow shape compared to the coke bottle shape of the HRII lower cowling/fuselage joint. I base this speed difference on many flights in both aircraft. The only difference that the "air" sees in the aircraft is that lower fuselage area.
Both aircraft are tonnes of fun and I will get you places faster then any other comparably priced airplane that I know of. If you can find an EVO wing somewhere grab it, I love my EVO rocket. For upper air flight the EVO wing will walk right away from a standard wing. Down low, under 5000' both aircraft are about the same speed.