
Well Known Member
Short write up on my trip to a family reunion in Hamilton Mt.
The Bitteroot Valley and surrounding mountains are absolutely beautiful. Although the Big Sky Country was a bit visibility hamperred due to several fires in the range, it detracted little from the area. It is relatively short flight from our Battleground WA's Parkside Airpark, a little north of 2 hours.
I rented a car and tied down through Northstar Aviation, a very nice FBO, and very good service. However, David at Hamilton Aviation has one of the nicest buildings I have seen at any FBO and turned into a one of those people you have to tell others about. Mid way through the week, a very significant thunderstorm was developing. I went out to the airport and double checked all of my tie downs. David saw me and came running "you can't leave that airplane out here, it's too nice and a big storm is coming." He offered his hangar and he didn't need to ask twice. He put me up for free and wouldn't accept any compensation. He also told me that Jerry Van's..., Dick's brother, and his wife visit often. I just saw Jerry at breakfast a few days earlier. Small world. So, I highly recommend his FBO if you make this trip.

Why do most of my trips out or into the Portland OR area look like this?

The Bitterroot Mountains, a little hazy from smoke. Not a lot of options for landing out there.

Turn your head sideways or maybe someone can rotate this pic for me. Really pretty picture of the Bitterroots

One of the many fires spawned by the storm the night before. It is hard to see in the picture, but to the lower right of the smoke plume the entire tree was engulfed in flame.

The Cascades closing in on home. Always a nice sight.

Hamiton Air. Highly recommended! (sorry, another sideways shot)
Hamilton Thumbs UP!

Nice place and great airport. It was our grocery getting location while camping at Big Creek this past June.
Short write up on my trip to a family reunion in Hamilton Mt.
The Bitteroot Valley and surrounding mountains are absolutely beautiful. Although the Big Sky Country was a bit visibility hamperred due to several fires in the range, it detracted little from the area. It is relatively short flight from our Battleground WA's Parkside Airpark, a little north of 2 hours.
I rented a car and tied down through Northstar Aviation, a very nice FBO, and very good service. However, David at Hamilton Aviation has one of the nicest buildings I have seen at any FBO and turned into a one of those people you have to tell others about. Mid way through the week, a very significant thunderstorm was developing. I went out to the airport and double checked all of my tie downs. David saw me and came running "you can't leave that airplane out here, it's too nice and a big storm is coming." He offered his hangar and he didn't need to ask twice. He put me up for free and wouldn't accept any compensation. He also told me that Jerry Van's..., Dick's brother, and his wife visit often. I just saw Jerry at breakfast a few days earlier. Small world. So, I highly recommend his FBO if you make this trip.

Very familiar looking terrain

+1 for David and Hamilton Aviation
Jerry V. told me about him while at OSH this year, and it happened to work out to be a good stop location for us on our trip home.
Great place and very friendly service.
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Nice photos.
Thanks for sharing. My mom used to live just out of Victor on 6 acres, which is only a few miles away from Hamilton. Fairly rare I ever hear of that area.

Again, thanks for sharing.
