Stan Bahrns

Active Member
I see Van's has replaced the pro seal with something new. Does anyone have experience with the new stuff? I was going to glue in & rivet the air vent inlets & have been waiting to order the pro seal as it has a shelf life. Sometime back I read where someone used something other than pro seal. any suggestions?
Thanks in advance, Stan
Are you talking about FlameMaster? As far as I know, Vans' has been selling that brand for at least a few years and it meets the same mil specs as ProSeal. I haven't heard of anybody having problems with it.
Proseal vs. Flamemaster

Davepar said:
I haven't heard of anybody having problems with it.
I got the flamemaster stuff from Van's and it does dry much more rubbery than the other stuff that is on my QB tanks. I'm not sure what they use on the QB tanks, but I have to guess it's proseal. I've never used the original proseal, so I can't be sure.

I've seen some people use T-88 epoxy on trailing edges (and used it myself on one of my elevators) and other alum-alum connections. It seems that would work for your air inlets as well. That said, I didn't think the T-88 cleaned up as nicely as proseal does, so I'd just use the Flamemaster/Proseal if you've got some laying around--even old stuff would work, you just have to let it set up longer.
