

I am installing a GDL-82. The normal installation is just fine. No issues whatsoever. I would really like to use the GPS data from the -82 to provide location input to my new 406mhz ELT, which is mounted on the same tray. I have been unable to determine exactly what format or protocol the output data is. My inquiry to Garmin has been unanswered. The ACK ELT supports up to 9600 baud input.

Does anybody know about this?


I am installing a GDL-82. The normal installation is just fine. No issues whatsoever. I would really like to use the GPS data from the -82 to provide location input to my new 406mhz ELT, which is mounted on the same tray. I have been unable to determine exactly what format or protocol the output data is. My inquiry to Garmin has been unanswered. The ACK ELT supports up to 9600 baud input.

Does anybody know about this?


We are not aware that the RS-232 interface on the GDL 82 can be used for anything but an optional input from a GTN/GNS.


Thanks for the quick response. FWIW, it sure is a shame that we can’t get some use of that GPS data. I bet a lot of folks would use it for their elt location source. From the installation documents it sure looks like pin 8 of the rs232 would be an output of data.
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We are not aware...

And therein lies the rub. Point is it might be possible or even probable. I am at the point where I'm having to install 3(!!), yes you heard (read) right, THREE GPS antennas. One for my EFIS, one for the ELT and one for the ADS-B simply because I don't have a "configured" GPS source such as a GTN navigator in my RV-7. It is inconceivable that a good technical guy at Garmin can't configure the software of the GDL-82 so that either of those reserved pins or RS-232 outputs on the J821 be used for GPS position data out. Should be a simple update. In other words, all that should be necessary is for one GPS antenna to be present and the GDL-82 can simply "forward" the data on to the ELT, and/or EFIS, and/or navigator.

Team GARMIN, if you are out there, pretty please!!!