696 &gdl 39

I posted a warning and reported this problem to Garmin over two weeks ago and have not heard anything about a fix. You are not alone in having this issue.
All they would have to do for a temporary fix is to rename the older version to a new version beyond 4.9 so the GDL39 would take the "update" until they fix the new version.
Affected equipment?

I have a garmin 696 connected to the gld39 via hardwire serial port. Some things work on the 696, like weather, but traffic does not. My 696 reports that a software update is required. i spent a long time on the phone with garmin and sent screen shots of the problem, their response so far has been ... use bluetooth and garmin pilot app. on my phone. That is not acceptable.

What equipment do you have and what are you experiencing?
GDL 39 Software

Do not install version 4.90 Garmin is aware of the issue

We identified an issue with software 4.90 that causes communication issues for certain GDL 39/display combinations. We will be releasing a maintenance update (SW 4.91) shortly for the GDL 39 to address this.


Thanks for the heads up

Just had the update available message pop up on Wednesday when the iPhone and Garmin pilot connected to the GDL 39 Bluetooth, as I was about to go flying I decided to install later, glad I did. Will wait for 4.9.1.
4.91 Posted today

Will the GPSMAP 696 unit software page be updated to reflect the addition of GDL 39 version 4.91? I have a GDL 39R hard wired with the serial pass through and the SD chip in the 696 is my preferred method of updating.
I received this from Garmin yesterday regarding release.


It appears 4.91 is going through an approval process and will be available soon. I do not have a specific date it will be released but the problem is fixed.

Best Regards,
Experimental Aviation Product Support
[email protected] or 866-854-8433"
In Garmin Pilot?

Anyone know if the new 4.9.1 update is included in the Garmin Pilot 10.0.5 update?
GDL 39 Software Update

Anyone know if the new 4.9.1 update is included in the Garmin Pilot 10.0.5 update?

Garmin Pilot allows access to download the GDL 39 software from our servers, it is not necessarily included in the Garmin Pilot software update in the same way G3X software is packaged. Any Garmin Pilot version that you have running on your phone or tablet should allow you to run the update.



Thanks, was not sure how Pilot interacted for GDL 39 updates. I do not have great cell reception at my hanger, will there be a 796 update that will include the 4.9.1 firmware?
Todd/Bill, where did you get the update? When I try and access it using the provided link in a previous post, I get a message screen from Garmin, ? Software Information Currently Unavailable?.
At the moment, the update can only be installed using Garmin Pilot via a bluetooth connection directly with the GDL 39.


If you download the Garmin web updater and connect your 796 to it, it will download the 4.9.1 update and install it on your 796 which will update the GDL-39 once plugged in..

I just did mine and it worked like a charm..

Good luck

Same goes for the aera 660. If the 660 is connected to the internet via wifi hotspot it will automatically prompt you to download the latest software which includes the GDL 39 update, kind of like other modern devices that flag updates and install with one click. The built-in internet connection is one of the aera 660's best feature. No more SD cards needed. Just wifi internet access.
Still having issues loading GDL 39 remote mount

I have tried countless times to load V4.91 from version 4.90 from my iPad and iPhone and get the same results each time. ?Firmware Update Failed? ?Device disconnected in middle of transfer?

I have a GTS 800 with GTX32es and see FAILED on the Traffic Screen on the legacy G3X. I?m not even receiving my GTS800 traffic on the G3X either. The iPad sees the GDL 39 traffic and the GTN 750 sees the GTS800 traffic.

I read the release from Garmin on loss of connection with V 4.90 but I cant load the new version to fix this problem?

Any suggestions?
Turn off everything but the iPad and the gdl39

Not sure if it will help but in the past I've had updates fail if other device are communicating with it while updating.

Hi Gaylon

If you have a friend with a Aera796 with the 4.91 GDL-39 update installed on it, just asked him (or borrow his 796 and do it yourself) to stand close to your RV and to connect with the GDL-39 via Bluetooth and the 796 will update (transfer)your GDL-39.

That is what I just done to update my friend GDL-39 as his 796 would not work for some reason..It took me about 30 sec to one minute.

Best of luck.

Guys thanks!

Todd, your suggestion was spot on. I did as you suggested and it loaded. Not sure if the new Garmin Pilot update that just pushed out has anything to do with it or not.

Bruno, I never thought about trying a 796 but I?ll remember that as a back up. Thanks for the suggestion.

Bill, good to know... sad to hear.. go figure
Thanks everyone