I have a 1989 rv3. The builder sloshed the fuel tanks and the slosh is coming loose. I have been told that you can put a few pounds of 00 buck shot in the tank with two galeons of MEK and roll the tank around. The shot will loosen the slosh and the MEK will disolve it. Has anyone tried this? If so please let me know. Any other sugestions? My e-mail address is [email protected]
No idea whether the method described would work. I'd be afraid that the MEK might damage the proseal tank sealant under the slosh.

As I understand it, the typical solution for a major fuel tank repair is to use a fly-cutter and cut large access holes in the aft tank baffle to get interior access. You can use MEK and a scotchbrite pad to remove the slosh. Later, add access plates that are screwed and prosealed to the aft baffle to seal the holes you created.

No fun, but you'll *know* your tanks are fixed properly.