
Well Known Member
My 9A is proving to be a reliable and efficient mode of travel, so I'm preparing for a test of the primary mission: Texas to Virginia.

Dad has a place south of Front Royal and I'm looking for a good place to park while visiting. Front Royal is closest, with Culpeper and Warenton not too much further. Luray might be an option too. Looks like all of these are outside the SFRA. I have taken the online course concerning the DC SFRA, and yes, I'll need to take it again before flying up there.

Any pireps on which of these choices is RV friendly? Any I should avoid?
Also, any leads on a hangar that might be available for short term occupancy on short notice would be welcome.

I hope to start making this trip 2 or 3 times a year.
West of DC choices, near Front Royal.

No bad choices here, all are more than adequate and GA friendly. Highly recommend Front Royal, used to be based there. Say hello to Reggie, the manager, there for me. Great guy, longstanding respect in the GA community. Good experimental base there with RVs, gyrocopters, and more. It would be my recommendation, particularly since close.

Luray is very quiet. Very. And it generally has cheaper fuel. It is owned by the folks that operate the popular Luray Caverns, and they will "van" you over to the caverns for a tour. Both probably have a transient hangar if you call ahead. Picturesque little airport, love to visit there.

Don't know much about Culpeper, but there are some good radio/maintenance shops there. Has EAA and CAF chapters, as I recall.

Warrenton is crowded, has many based aircraft, is the surburbanite refuge, and always seems (my opinion here) to have some issue or another that has the pilots all stirred up. Not sure if its the nature of the pilot community or real issues in airport management/facility. Never really liked the feel on the ground there. Good if you need to get into DC and dont want the airspace issues of Manassas, but no need to deal with it if your ultimate destination is west of there.

This advice is quaranteed to be worth at least what you paid for it. Ducking for cover.
Flew my 80-year old mother to Front Royal to visit a cousin a year ago from my parents home in Pennsylvania. She was surprised of the nice 35 minute flight that would have been a 5-hour drive by car.

Front Royal would be good. Met some very nice people there that were interested in RVs and would have given rides if my schedule permitted.

All I can say is that there is glider activity at Front Royal that you may need to yield for.