
Well Known Member
Because there aren't many form's my first contribution.
Taken from my GoPro over the AZ desert.
Hi Slasher! Good to see that you have a GoPro now. We'll have to compare notes on mounting installation. I've been putting one out on my wingtip like that but the vibrations are so bad on the camera that video is almost unusable. Not sure what to do to dampen the vibration.

We had a good first flight out of Eloy before you and Gizmo showed up. Sorry I wasn't able to stick around for the second go--I had to fly straight to work after I got cleared off. See you on the 26th in Marana!
Slasher ,
Tell your wingman to get in his/her spot :D


Gash, if you figure out a way to support the camera in more than one spot the vibration goes away. I fixed the vibration problem by cramming a small piece of foam between the end of the camera and the wing skin. When I screw the camera/mount onto the aircraft, the piece of foam compresses in between and the entire assembly becomes very stable.

here is a video I took after the foam trick. It was very windy (over 25 kts) with lots of thermals. Worked fine, last long time.
I did exactly what AX-O said. I made a fixture which I can fix anywhere on the plane where are screws. There is a padding between the aluminum mount and airframe to protect the paint. It might help the vibration, didn?t try without. When I mount the camera on the canopy rearwards I get light vibrations when flying faster.
And Gash - remember me, saw your plane in Corona and I?m very close to paint my -8, it will be a "civilized" version of your?s.

Wing this...

Dang AssClown, my winger was doing what I asked for the shot. :) Man, to think I used to call you "MR" AssClown too! :)

Gash, the mount point I used for this shot was an adlib. Usually I have it farthur back on the wing. I had to rob some of the gopro pieces from my interior camera.
Oh, and I've had gopro's for a while just haven gotten good at editing all the vids I have.

SCD, I like your mount. It looks very versatile.
Thanks for the suggestion. Please bring the foam setup you have to Madera and I'll have a look at it up close. I'm trying to visualize what type of foam to use and how to wedge it in there to avoid blowing out in the slipstream.

Yes, I remember you! Too bad Lufthansa doesn't have any Phoenix layovers. I could have you over to the hangar and we could go fly the -8. I like the GoPro mount you fabricated. That's obviously some elegant German engineering!

Please PM me photos of your paint job when complete. I am very interested to see how it turns out.
Slasher sorry for the thread drift.

pics below. The back end of the camera (where it says "DRIFT") touches the bracket (so 2 points of contact). Also the back end of the camera itself touches the wing skin (the back cap is rubber). I also have a similar bracket for the top of the wing that mounts to the wing tip (don't have pics).

Although the DRIFT HD is a larger camera than the GoPro and others, it does allow you to move the lens and always have an image that is correct. that is why I purchased it. So a small twist on the lens takes the wing dihedral away (white mark shown on last pic is for "up").

-90 deg angle with sand paper glued to it to create friction between the camera and the mount.
-Wet suit foam/rubber (left over from a project) RTVed to the bracket. This will take up whatever slack there is between the contour of the wing surface and the bracket.
-1/4 inch bolt for the wing tie down. Nice thing about this is that any RV can use it.



