Use the Garmin Checklist editor and put the file on the SD card of the G3X, if you have one. Then you can display the list on the screen. I have all my checklists loaded there, except anything prior to engine start. The paper copies are in the back of the POH.
Use Books on your iPad

If you use Foreflght then than means you’re using an iPad or iPhone. Instead of putting your checklist into ForeFlight why don’t you just print a pdf of your POH and upload it into “Books” on your iPad. That way you can update it easily and include a whole lot more information and have it readily available inflight on your iPad for reference or use.
If you use Foreflght then than means you’re using an iPad or iPhone. Instead of putting your checklist into ForeFlight why don’t you just print a pdf of your POH and upload it into “Books” on your iPad. That way you can update it easily and include a whole lot more information and have it readily available inflight on your iPad for reference or use.
The checklist feature in Foreflight has a way to check off each item as well as read the checklist to you. Much more features than a pdf in Documents....