Don Patrick

Well Known Member
I've noticed on some build sites that some folks completed their tanks, baffle and all, then had the pre-close nspection after and some that did the pre close prior to the baffle bieng sealed and the tank leak tested. What's the word?

With the QB tanks, they can't inspect them, and with the SB, you can't see the rivet head due to the sealant. I just don't want to complete the tank, leak test them and move forward if I'm going to have a problem. I've got lots of photos, but.....

Thoughts and experience please?

Tank Inspection

Exactly the situation I found myself in last year. I asked several local MD-RA inspectors, not one would commit to an answer except to say "call for a pre-cover inspection". Filled out the form, paid the money, then an official inspector was assigned to my aircraft/file. Discussed the situation with him and he said go ahead and finish the tanks (including the rear baffle). Which made sense to me for exactly the reasons that you give: the inspector can't see the proseal encapsulated rivet heads inside the tanks, and they can't inspect inside the QB tanks anyway. So in my case, reason won out and I had a sensible inspector.

HOWEVER! Be aware that every time you call for a pre-cover/pre-close inspection, they will charge you the $365 fee. My fuselage was not even started when I had my inspection, so theoretically I have to get another inspection and pay another fee for my fuselage. I'm still not there yet, and there are some extenuating circumstances that I won't go into here.

I had a long discussion about this with the head of MD-RA and asked him to clarify these two situations (tank degree of completion and full fee for any/all pre-cover/pre-closing inspections) for the builder on their website. It hasn't happened. With so many RVs being built, I think it would be in their interest to provide this clarification.
I had the same questions on mine. I too arranged for an inspection and when I was assigned mine he said to go ahead and put the baffle on, but leave the sender plate off until inspection. This again is one inspector and can change from one to the next as I'm sure you will hear. The best thing to do is apply for an inspection, get assigned an inspector and speak to him/her about it. I moved onto my fuse and dont plan on actually having the first inspection until I put the floor boards down in the fuse (as per my inspectors direction).

Hope this helps.
Inspection done

For those concerned about not closing up the tanks before the inspection...don't give it a second thought. No issue whatsoever sealing the tanks.

