Well Known Member
What is the proper clearance between the inboard end of the flap (upper skin)and the fuse.? I can't seem to locate the spec. in the drawings.

Thanks for any help on this.

Try to make the gap as small as possible for appearance and airflow. When I hung the flaps to the wings during wing assembly, I first set the ailerons using the prescribed washers and spacers. Then I set a 3/16" gap between the flaps and ailerons. This resulted in a near perfect fit when I hung the flaps after the wings were installed. I did not need to reshape the flaps to fit.

Hope this helps,


Thanks, Roberta...and good pic too.
My flaps barely touch the sides of the fuse, but I built-in a 1/4" aileron/flap gap. Since my flap hinges are already attached to the wing, I guess I'll need to trim off a slight amount.

Thanks again,

BTW...nice write-ups in Kitplanes :)
A Dremel with a coarse 1/2" sanding drum works works great for light trimming and shaping, but you probably already new that.

I haven't seen the new Kitplanes yet. I sent in some photos to help out with an article and sent in my finished project photo. Maybe I'll get my mag today.

Happy building,
