
Well Known Member
It's been a long road since the prop governor failure and the resulting overspeed took out my 3.5 SMOH engine and prop last Summer, but I'm back with a new Ly-Con 540, BAF Hartzel, and PCU5000 governor.

As with last year, my cooling system seems borderline TOO effective: My highest CHT for the flight was 360, which is surprising considering the inlets are 20% smaller than a stock RV-8, the OAT was warm, I was running 80% power, and the rings have not seated yet. Oil temps are stable, but a touch warm. THAT will come down with break in I hope. The SDS EFI was totally invisable, as it's supposed to be.

The prop governor was a newly overhauled Woodward unit - the same type as thousands and thousands of GA airplanes have been using for decades. Freak failure or poor overhaul - not sure which, but certain it's nothing for the community to worry about.
Nice to hear that another rocket is flying! I have been flying since 83 and the rocket keeps me in the game. Always an adventure.
Yes, big congrats on getting back in the air. I will be closely following your progress on cooling.
Did you see any issues with the 3? intake flowing enough air? What HP do you expect to make on the new motor.
The Ly-Con dyno said this thing made 331 HP. That said, it's 540 cubic inches and will never consume more than 420 CFM regardless of "HP" unless you spin it faster or add a supercharger. To your question, I WAS able to pull more MP (and was faster) than the high compression, "hot rod" engine in the Rocket that was my chase.

I plan to fly again today and I'll pay more attention to MP on initial TO/climb (when the Q is low).