
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I am wondering if anyone has ever made up a spreadsheet/list ofall the fasteners you need in final assembly of an RV-8. I am rapidly aproaching the time when I'll be moving the project to the airport and putting things on for good, and I am more than a bit worried that in the chaos of building over the last year and a half, many fasteners have been used in a lot of places - and when I go to put on the horizontal stabilizer (for instance), I am going to be short an AN3-7 (or somehting.

My big fear, of course, is that I'll get out to the airport, discover I'm missing a bolt, get stuck for the night, go home, order the right part, and then repeat the fiasco the next day with the next component.

I am considiering just ordering up a complete set of everythign I need for tail, wing, and control surface installation (except, perhaps, the wing atach bolts - they have been kept in the safe deposit box since the kit arrived!), and that way, I'll be in great shape - and will even have extra stuff lying around.

Soooo...before I sit down with the plans and a notepad - has anyone already made such a list that they could share? if not, I certainly will share mine if I am able to complete it....

Paul Dye