
Well Known Member
I'm ready to bend the F-718 longerons so, in anticipation of this event I have been studying Van's plans and Dan's plans and have noticed that after the longerons are bent they do not get installed for quite some time.

Is there some reason to bend these now or can it wait until they are needed?

I'm thinking they are easier to store un-bent, until they are needed.

Steven L. Hild
RV-7 Fus
I waited until I needed 'em... there's absolutely no reason to follow the plans and bend them early. Storage was an issue for me, so that's why I waited.

You'll be ready when you have the center fuselage riveted (bottom skin).. and when you need to join it with the tailcone.
Ditto. I waited until I needed them. No problem.

But if you think you are running short on space now, wait until you have the aft fuselage, center section, longerons, firewall, bottom skin, side skins, etc. all laying around for deburring, dimpling, and countersinking. So far, that was the most space-consuming part of the project. It was very tight in my 2-car garage!