Swarn Singh

I'm New Here
Good Afternoon. New owner of an RV7A (923ZA) here. I am looking to replace the propeller on my plane. It currently has a 4 blade Warpdrive prop. Very inadequate for the plane. Just curious to see if anyone has any suggestions regarding electric constant speed props. Appreciate your input.

Swarn Singh
I own one and have flown behind it since 2009. Mine is a MT. It works, usually. It offers the benefits of adjustable pitch (much better climb when needed and descent cruise at low rpm). Mine has failed to adjust for multiple reasons many times (servo motor failure, brush failure, control unit failure, etc). Unless you cannot install a hydraulic prop either due to engine incompatibility or weight and balance considerations, I would not install the electric.
My experience of a 2 bladed MT on my ex VEZE, and the 3 bladed MT on the -4 is excellent. Quality installation is paramount, and so is maintenance as in checking and adjusting/replacing the brushes.
The only downside being a slower pitch adjustment rate compared to the hyd version.
I own one and have flown behind it since 2009. Mine is a MT. It works, usually. It offers the benefits of adjustable pitch (much better climb when needed and descent cruise at low rpm). Mine has failed to adjust for multiple reasons many times (servo motor failure, brush failure, control unit failure, etc). Unless you cannot install a hydraulic prop either due to engine incompatibility or weight and balance considerations, I would not install the electric.

Thanks for your input. Appreciate it.
Thank you. It is quite confusing. Seems like some pilots are very happy with their electric props while others not so much.
Straight from MT:
page 15 of 108; section 1.2:
They are mainly used on engines, that have no
provision for installing an hydraulic constant speed propeller

Don't get me wrong, the MT electric offers much superior total performance than any fixed pitch prop can offer (at a cost of course). I could have bought 2 Catto props for less than my overhaul is going to cost, and the Catto would be faster in cruise. Mine is currently off and I am paying for overhaul now because the performance is worth the cost to me. However, if my plane had the ground clearance (and ability to make W&B work) for a hydraulic prop, I most certainly would have gone that route.