
Well Known Member
I was talking to Trent at EMag during Airventure. I decided to upgrade the boards. The older boards work fine but can't take the latest SW update with added features. I got them back quickly. I got them back quickly with new boards. However they also updated them to some P114 standards, incorporated service bulletin kits....

My two P-Mags are P113 models, serial numbers under 700 work great, but I was not expecting the extra work they did, and the price was great.

They are still THE ONLY Aircraft Electronic Ignition in the market that is self powered, I think coming up on 20 years or more..... Works great last a long time. If it was easy everyone would do it.

THANK YOU BRENT and TRENT.... They were better than expected. Extra upgrades were done making them like a P114 or close to it. The price was very reasonable. GREAT SERVICE.... FAIR PRICES..... SELF POWERED.... ALL THE BENFITS OF A ELECTRONIC IGNITION.... THANK YOU.
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