
Well Known Member
For you RV-7 tippers that installed the Dynon GPS-2020 antenna, which connector did you use for the 4 wire connection? I want to be able to disconnect quickly for canopy removal or maintenance so the heat shrink over pins method is not an attractive method for me in the case. I'm going to locate mine front and center on top of the glare shield under the canopy.
There are several options in connectors. D-sub would be fine (but you need to ensure the male and female connectors are held together, and don't vibrate apart...I've not found a good way to do this, so the 1 or 2 times I did this I used lacing cord around the ears; I just don't trust the knurled knobs in this case). Another good connector is Deutsch DTM; got some of those FWF for things like oil pressure, fuel pressure, fuel flow, etc. There are probably others, as well.