
Can anyone pass on any ideas/tips on how to dimple the last couple of holes in some of the rib trailing edge ends such as the two rudder ribs. The dimple dies and hand squeezer I have won't fit between the two flanges.
There are pop rivet dimplers and vice grip dimplers you can buy for these tight areas. Avery sells these. Sometimes the very end holes need to be bent out temporarily to dimple, even with the small dimplers.

You will find the need for a few special tools (worth getting) and sometimes you may need to modify tools or make tools to get certain jobs done.

Happy building,
nturner said:
Can anyone pass on any ideas/tips on how to dimple the last couple of holes in some of the rib trailing edge ends such as the two rudder ribs. The dimple dies and hand squeezer I have won't fit between the two flanges.

I simply took my squeezer and removed the female die. That made the nose of it thin enough to fit into the space. I know the hole in the yoke is not "ideal" but it provided enough of a dimple to allow the skin to sit flush.
I did exactly as Roberta mentions....I bought both the dies you use in a pop rivet gun, and the vise-grip dimplers. I have used both, but have really used the vise-grip versions a BUNCH. They are worth every penny.

And once you buy the vise-grip dimplers, if you will grind off a little bit from the most forward sections of the dies (done in about 10-seconds with a bench grinder) they will also fit in many-many more tight locations. It is $$ very well spent.