Dave Taylor

Well Known Member
I was working in the factory the other night and found this guy sitting on my preview plans. He might be better than I am at reading them :)

Hi Dave...

Can you just imagine what he's thinking::D

"These humans...just check what they have to do the get flying..hmmm"


"Vertical stabiliser..hmmm..what's that?...we birds don't have that, and we fly pretty good"

If you have some more birdie thoughts add below, for a chuckle.
I had a similar beast get into my airplane factory a year ago. In addition to leaving presents all over the place, I just found out he left one top of my HS that was stored hanging from the ceiling. :mad:

I guess it's pay back for his brothers that have had their days cut short by a prop.
Geese Inspection

I recall three geese landing at my open shop door one day last year.
They proceeded in and marched around the floor and under the wings as if they where inspecting the plane I was building. After that they took a look
at my tools for a few more minutes and then back out the door and and off they flew. I think I past their airworthiness requirements.

Chuck Stuhrenberg