
Well Known Member
The latest video. Boy did I have fun making this, and getting my cert too.

BTW, for those of you still undecided about who you want to use for your DAR, I recommend Gary Sobek. As you can see from the video, he's serious about the inpection and he's definitely thorough. Not only that but you'll learn a bunch and get some great tips too.
Cool video!

I really enjoyed that, Walter. Thanks for sharing it! I can't wait for that day on my 8. BTW, did you have the floors up during the inspection?
Everything that could be taken out of the airplane was out, including seats, floors, baggage bulkheads, baggage side covers, flap brace side covers, etc...

Now it's time to put about a zillion screws back in the plane *for the last time*.
from one movie maker to another.

That was good, If you could have thrown a few shots of a large clock to show the passage to time it would really convey how long I am sure it took for him to scour your plane :)

Very well put together. Yea I want to see your first flight video too !!!!
