
Well Known Member
I’m going to Charlotte on Monday and planning to fly in to KCLT as it is much closer to where I need to be than any of the smaller airports. I’ve flown in there one other time but it was in a much slower plane than my RV-6A and I didn’t yet have my instrument rating. In my 6A, would it be easier for me getting in VFR or IFR? If going IFR, can I expect to be assigned an arrival procedure?
It's not a terribly busy airport, you'll get in VFR, but why go into there with their landing fees and $8.00 avgas, when you can fly easier into Gastonia AKH with no fees and $6.55 avgas just 5 minutes away and less car traffic to deal with when you land?
Ramp fee waived with fuel purchase. Difference on fuel cost will be offset by round trip savings on Uber.
Ramp fee waived with fuel purchase. Difference on fuel cost will be offset by round trip savings on Uber.

Got it ! It's always hard to give informed advice when I don't have enough information. I thought it was a family visit so someone would pick you up and I wanted them to avoid the airport traffic. If it's business related then no need to worry about fuel prices since it's all tax deductible anyway and time is money.

If you go in IFR you will almost certainly get a STAR unless they are not busy and the WX is great VFR, then they might give you a visual approach. VFR is likely to be easier.
CLT was easy - now a stupid question

OK, coming into KCLT VFR was super easy this afternoon. Now a stupid question for when I get ready to leave on Wednesday. I will be departing VFR. Do I need a specific clearance into the bravo airspace since I'm taking off from a bravo airport under ATC direction? Do I need to hear the words?
You're already in Bravo so as soon as the Tower gives you permission to take off you're getting cleared to fly in that airspace.
Thanks. That's what I thought and seems logical, but sometimes regulations and logical don't play nice together. This is only my second time in Class B, so just wanted to be sure not to mess up.
OK, coming into KCLT VFR was super easy this afternoon. Now a stupid question for when I get ready to leave on Wednesday. I will be departing VFR. Do I need a specific clearance into the bravo airspace since I'm taking off from a bravo airport under ATC direction? Do I need to hear the words?

Contact clearance delivery and tell them you are VFR to your destination. Let them know if you desire flight following. They may give you a discreet squawk and initial departure instructions or simply tell you to contact ground. Departure instruction normally would be a simple heading and altitude.
1. Listen to atis
2. Call clearance delivery, as above. Have a paper/pencil ready.
3. Call ground.
4. If at all uncertain, use the words, ‘Request progressive taxi instructions’.