
Well Known Member
Do I have the instructions right. Are the holes over the spars to be countersunk THROUGH the skin and into the spar? Why? Why not just dimple the skin and countersink the bulkhead.

I don't get it.
I'm not sure which spot you're talking about, but I remember a few places where countersinking was recommended. It usually makes it easier to slide parts together later.
Check ut the assembly of the center section in the paragraph right around the "drill everything but the aft two rows command." Somewhere below there it says to countersink the skin throgh the bulhead and then mentions something about some ribs will fit smoother that way.

It makes absolutely no sense to me.
there are four holes that do not get dimples on the front 904 bulkhead.
the bottom floor stiffeners are riveted there. check your notes on your
rivet call out sheet it is pointed out there.
good luck.
Frank K
forward fuse apart again debur dimple------------
Right. I know that. But why countersink the skin?

The reason I'm asking is that a couple of years ago, RVATOR had an article with Van's employees on what they'd do differently. ALL of them said they would dimple where they originally counterusnk. I'm wondering if this is one of those places.
If you "nest" counter sink the flange and dimple the skin the hole in the flange will be big and allow slop in the floor stiffeners,