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Well Known Member
My trusty HF caliper is is failing. Any recommendations for a decent caliper and a decent micrometer? I don't mind spending ~$150 on each, but much more than that and I'll probably get another HF and figure it's cheap enough to replace every few years.

Thanks in advance!

Mine is a Craftsman. Very old but looks new. Dial type

I did buy a new digital one and sent it back. It was trash compared to mine.
Certainly a hot button topic for some (of us!)
If your HF were good enough, just get a few more so you'll always have at least one in the junk drawer. Then learn to use a halfway decent vernier caliper which would probably be a bit better (or more satisfying).

Ultimately, a caliper is a relatively crude instrument intended for "good enough". Heck, I even have some very cheap ones (probably above your price limit) that I leave lying around for neighbors, friends, significant others, you know, the general riff-raff to pick up and use in the shop. I've even been known to leave a (later model) Starrett out for the masses to use. However, the really good Mitutoyo's, Brown and the like live in a secret drawer, only for making a buck, or me entertaining myself on a Sunday morning.
Mitutoyo all the way. They have a solid reputation for manufactuing top quality measuring equipment, from your $2m autostackers to your home workshop 12" ruler.
Heck, I even have some very cheap ones (probably above your price limit) that I leave lying around for neighbors, friends, significant others, you know, the general riff-raff to pick up and use in the shop. I've even been known to leave a (later model) Starrett out for the masses to use. However, the really good Mitutoyo's, Brown and the like live in a secret drawer, only for making a buck, or me entertaining myself on a Sunday morning.

Our price ranges may be different, but the concept is the same: The family has been told they can use any tools except those in the yellow tool chest. Using yellow tool chest tools is grounds for divorce/disowning/banishment!
For typical RV-building duties it's hard to think of anywhere you'd really need the accuracy of a micrometer, but far be it from me to discourage someone from buying more tools! :)

I have been very happy with both Starrett and Mitutoyo calipers.

Most of the time I reach for my Starrett 120A dial caliper, which is easy to read, never needs batteries, and will outlive me if I treat it well. You can find used-like-new examples that are within your budget all day on eBay. When you are shopping you may also encounter its cheaper cousin, model 3202, which is not made in the USA.

For digital calipers it's hard to go wrong with Mitutoyo. Once you've used one of these you won't want to go back to the Harbor Freight unit - and a Mitutoyo won't eat batteries like the HF either. Mitutoyo also makes nice dial calipers.
My trusty HF caliper is is failing. Any recommendations for a decent caliper and a decent micrometer? I don't mind spending ~$150 on each, but much more than that and I'll probably get another HF and figure it's cheap enough to replace every few years.

Thanks in advance!

Have Starrett and Mitutoyo dial and digital respectively, but the gaggle of iGaging EZCal 4" calipers distributed between benches, sheet metal cart, and the saw get the most use. $32 from eBay or Amazon, so cheap enough to keep one in the go-bag for working away from the shop, but a big step up from HF and easily read by 66 year old eyes in poor lighting. Huge digits, 0.0015 in/ 1/128th fractional in / 0.01mm, auto-off, IP54. Everyone I've suggested these to over HF or no-name digitals has been delighted.

Speaking of HF, I ran those in my shop for 6-7 years, and would just throw them away when they got wonky (which was 2-3 years, sometimes less). Starrett dial and Mitu digital are 6", so just not apron-friendly... they tend to park in the roll-around, Hence the iGaging EZCal.

You'll want at least one really good caliper... agree with the Starrett/B&S/Mitu to keep in the cabinet as a ref. The iGaging calipers get checked against the Mitu using 1-2-3 blocks every now and again, and when I see some variation, it's time to clean/recheck or toss the cheapies.
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If you can wait or search well.

Yearly (sometimes less) Travers has a 4-8 hr sale on Mitutoyo digital calipers and you can get a good one well inside your limit. I got a Mitutoyo 1" dial like that too. Just sign up with them.
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