
Well Known Member
Just registered and passed the knowledge test for "scenic and go photo flights" to BM. I have my pilot number. Dan from Reno
Been tempted to try the burning man experience but fear of a dust storm has kept me away. Not willing to sacrifice my paint job

Just registered and passed the knowledge test for "scenic and go photo flights" to BM. I have my pilot number. Dan from Reno

I?ve flown over it at altitude a few times, never dropped down into the caldron of Caravans goign to and from Reno - what are these flights of which you speak, and do you have a link?
Just registered and passed the knowledge test for "scenic and go photo flights" to BM. I have my pilot number. Dan from Reno

I am jealous Dan. Wanted to go for years never happened. Flew over couple years ago when they were still building the site. The strip was just graded I scored T&G and that was it. Please share your experience.

Paul: The daily flights are flown by the Washoe County SAR, AirSq. The purpose is to insure that no vehicles have broken down and stranded folks on some of the back roads leading to and from BM. We also photo BM City to monitor the buildup and teardown. Additionally, we search for any gypsy encampments that may have sprung up nearby. The gypsy camps don't ususally have sanitary facilities nor do they police the area on departure. Here is the site for taking the BM test to get a pilot number for overflights. Dan from Reno
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