
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I haven't been to Brenham for a few weeks....thinking of being on the ramp when they open for lunch at 1100 - anyone else?
rvwannabe said:
What about Sat??

I picked Sunday for myself becasue I might be workign Saturday if we don't get Atlantis down tomorrow.....and if we do, I have another commitment.....but that's just me!
Brenham on Sunday


We have a chance of rain in the DFW area on Saturday. I'll talk to the guys at Hicks and see if we can get a group to fly down for Sunday lunch.

Hope all goes well with Atlantis and we can meet you Sunday.
Two DRs

the_other_dougreeves said:
Just trying to mooch a right-seat spot. Happy to pay for my weight in 100LL :)

You can have my right seat, if you're comfortable with the possibility of a quantum shift in time due to two guys with the same name being in the same plane.

We're wheels up 0930 so be there 0915ish if you're interested. Bring dylithium crystals.

And a good time was had by all!

Who can resist the call of a good burger and a malt on a Sunday? Apparently none of us who made it to 11R today.

Tummies full (no idea of MGTW was exceeded), the group poses for a photo.


Doug Reeves, posing with Doug Reeves.


VAF tattoo on a person who shall remain anonymous (at least for now :cool: )


The tatto

WeLLL....the shoes in group photo give the answer to the tatto question.. :) ......sorry i could not make it up ther ,had to work.
I was my daughter's 'experiment'. She says it will wear off in a week or so (she says...)

the_other_dougreeves said:
VAF tattoo on a person who shall remain anonymous (at least for now :cool: )


Man, I wish I saw this thread eariler. I would have made it up there for a burger and shake too!!!