In August of 03 their stock traded at around $250; it's going for around $4 these days! Seems like there might be some troubles here.

Steve Zicree
Since it's the "Dynacam" engine, maybe they'll be able to do something with it that dynacam didn't. This was an interesting engine 10 yrs ago, but has long since joined the ranks of many great ideas that didn't quite make it. I actually saw one of these engine run in 1994, the specs sounded great, but here we are 11 yrs later.........don't know if it was funding, mis-management, or just another engine that was purported to be much more than it ended up being...

While building, it's fun to "dream the dream" of the various "Internet" engines (that exist mainly on a web page somewhere), but when you start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and you begin to see that you're closer to that first flight, it's usually time to snap yourself awake and order that Lycoming.

The Internet engines are fun to watch, though, and imagine what people "might" be flying long after our generation is gone. ;)

Personally, I'm still watching this guy who I think has a better chance of success at his project than does some of the other Internet Engines.
His goal certainly does seem to give him much inspiration and perseverance.
This engine looks like a copy of an engine designed by my engineer neighbor ( the name was Kristensen) back in the early '70s. The prototypes were impressive even back then but funding ran out after a few years. I think he had all this patented before anything about the design was announced. It was called the K-cycle.

Many of the great ideas just never really make it to the market due to funding or other problems. Just look at Zoche, Innodyne even Deltahawk. It takes decades or never in many cases. Even companies using developed core Otto cycle engines rarely seem to be around very long or hose their initial customers so badly that the bad word effectively puts them under.
rv6ejguy said:
This engine looks like a copy of an engine designed by my engineer neighbor ( the name was Kristensen) back in the early '70s. The prototypes were impressive even back then but funding ran out after a few years. I think he had all this patented before anything about the design was announced. It was called the K-cycle.

Many of the great ideas just never really make it to the market due to funding or other problems. Just look at Zoche, Innodyne even Deltahawk. It takes decades or never in many cases. Even companies using developed core Otto cycle engines rarely seem to be around very long or hose their initial customers so badly that the bad word effectively puts them under.

6 Guy,
Don't include the Deltahawk in the total vaporware catagory. They are now building engines to sell. It WAS a long time comming, but they are headed down the right road.
The vector/dynacam engine is VERY heavy if exotic metals aren't used. They certified the dynacam, and yet no takers. Cooling issues and high installed weight were reportedly the problem.
Bill Jepson