Well Known Member
Hello Fellow RV-builders and pilots,

I'm ferrying a homebuild aircraft from Oregon to Europe at the end of the month and I'm wondering which Canadian airport in the province of Manitoba sells the cheapest Avgas fuel. Apart from cheap fuel, I would like at least 3000 feet of hard runway..

Anybody out there with good advice ?
Thanks !
Fuel stop

I learned to fly at St. Andrews.Nice airport with multiple runways and just north of the international airport to keep you out of the way of the heavy iron.Easier in and out also ,fuel was alot less then Winnipeg.Not to many places to stay overnight at St. Andrews but a better fuel stop.If stayin overnight I might stay in Brandon about an hour west of Winnipeg ,that would be less hassle and less money than the international at Winnipeg.Hotels ,fuel and tie down would be less in the smaller town.
Just my 2 cents :)
Thanks guys

Thanks for the directions. I will probably stop in Red Lake (CYRL) or Brandon (CYBR) for fuel.