
Active Member
Anyone with knowledge on this ELT. Been discontinued as current satellites will not track it as of Feb 2009 as I understand it..
9A Finish
I have one in my Interstate Cadet. It's big and would take up a lot of space, if cockpit mounted--about 4 1/2" X 4 1/2" X 16" would be my guess sitting here at home. Not a common ELT so not all suppliers carry the battery pack. I get my batteries from Chief A/C Parts in Grant's Pass, OR cheaper than the battery manufacturer charges. Too bad, since the manufacturer is located on the same airport as Van's & I would get them there when I went to get more parts from Van's if they weren't so expensive. I am guessing it would probably work in a crash, since it went off when I taxied over some bumps with my relatively stiff tailwheel.
Buy it used if you can, nice unit

Ron said:
Anyone with knowledge on this ELT. Been discontinued as current satellites will not track it as of Feb 2009 as I understand it..
9A Finish
Artex 200 ELT is an excellent unit, and is one of the smaller lighter ELT's you can buy, but yes discontinued.

"The Artex ELT 200 is the smallest and lightest TSO C91A ELT unit on the market today (2.50" x 2.75" x 6.25", 6.35cm x 6.99cm x 15.88cm), (2.0 lbs or less than 1kg.)"

So what. Its good for almost 3 years. Even AOPA is petitioning for a more gradual phase in. I suspect the 121.5/243 only elts will be around longer than 3 years. I have asked and that is what I have been told. Other wise you are looking at $900 today for a ME406 from Artex. Nothing wrong with that option and you will get a better ELT.

I have the Artex 110-4 unit, which is Artex's standard larger "commercial" unit. Its something you would see on a business jet or turbine helicopter.

I'll never buy another ACK or Ameri-King again, unless they start making better quality units. If you hold an Artex unit, it feels like a real piece of equip that should go on a plane. Artex cost more, but I got mine for $100 used. Even if I have to replace in in 2009, I'm still glad I have it. I find the ACK to be built flimsy. The Ameri-King from what I hear is not better and has other issues.

If you can buy a use 200 ELT cheap, get it. The 2009 will likely come and go with no action and 243 Hz still monitored. Loran is still around. The whole thing is a mess and there's goverment infighting. On the other hand you can get an Artex 406 unit for less $900 (at Chief, Van's wants too much :( ). If you fly in Alaska or remote locations I would not hesitate to spend the money, $900, for the Artex ME406. Also the battery last 5 years! (don't know what a replacement cost? Going to guess a lot.)

There are cool self contained Personal Locator Beacon's (PLB), ELT's with internal GPS you can buy for $500-$600. Obviously not intended for aviation use in particular, nor do they have "G" force activation, they are cool devices you can use in for car, hiking, boating, skiing, tail riding.

Here is the 200 ELT manual: Rev F.pdf
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Thanks George, I have a chance to pick a new one (new surplus from previous inventory), it needs an antenna and maybe a battery pack..but I can get it very reasonable. So I'm guessing $30 or so for antenna, plus battery pak and way cheaper than the Ameri-King or Ack...
9A Finish/Canopy