
Well Known Member
I am in Vancouver on sunday without any plans, wondering what the RV group looks like out here and if anyone is looking for a build helper or someone to go flying with?
If you mean the Vancouver BC area, I'm planning to put the wings on my RV7A tomorrow afternoon in Abbotsford.

No plans to fly, but was planning on working on the 7. Sounds like I'm around the same stage as the previous poster, but my work space only allows for me to put 1 wing on at a time. My right wing is on and I'm just finishing up some of the final touches. I was going to head down to CYPK for a little hanger flying in afternoon, I'm building in Maple Ridge. YPK has a fuel sale tomorrow.
Yes, I'm staying downtown Vancouver BC. I'm happy to help people with their build for the day or just hang out and talk airplanes. I don't have a car but happy to take the bus or something similar if either of your locations are nearby.

Sound interesting to either of you?
It will take a while to get out here without a car or air (Abbotsford airport).

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It's a bit of a trek to my location too. With a little more notice next time I'd be happy to pick you up half way and maybe even take you up for a local flight in the pacer I'm flying till the 7's done.