
Active Member
With all of the excitement of the introduction of the RV-12 kit and with the speed that kits are being built, I don't remember seeing a report from anyone who has flown the kit version of the aircraft. Maybe I missed it. Has anyone (not affiliated with Van's) with significant RV-3/4/6/7/9 time compared the handling qualities of the -12 to the others RV's?
Not to confuse, I did see the flight reports at the bottom of the page, but I'm curious about the genuine article, not the pre-production airframe.
I don't think that Van's is done testing it yet. Hopefully when they have some final numbers, we'll see them posted, and folks will get to start flying it. I'm hoping to do so in Marysville in June.

DR flew the original and provided a good Pirep on it. Not sure how much the new updated model will differ from that... but it is possible. Hopefully it only gets better! If I recall - Doug was pretty impressed with the POC version. I'd like to see that report again.

RV-12 Flying


Gotta tell you up front, I am associated with Van's, but that doesn't change how the RV-12 flies.

I have about 1000 RV hours spread over the RV-3, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9A and a couple in the 10.

I flew the POC RV-12 at S&F this year with Mike Seager. Best way to describe it: It's like a very light RV-9A. Same RV feel, but not as nimble. Stable, very easy to fly and land.

Hope that helps.

Mitch Lock

It does and it doesn't. Unfortunately all of my RV experience is in -4's and -6's so I don't have a reference point for the -9A.

But I know exactly of what you speak when you say "RV feel". That is the very feel that has kept me from having ANY interest in flying anything other then an RV. If you offered me 5 free hours in Wichita span I'd more then likely decline. What's the point?

Obviously, you know the "RV Feel." The 9A, and 10 I might add, do have the same delightful control, feet-on-the-floor harmony. They are just a bit stiffer on the control inputs. Just takes a bit more force. It just feels more solid and won't wander if you take your hand off the stick. The 12 is the same way, but since it is significantly lighter than the 9A, the stick forces are lighter.

Bottom line, any RV pilot will feel right at home inthe 12 very quickly.

Mitch Lock

I see that you are in New Jersey. That's not too far from my home in Maryland. You'll get a chance to fly an RV-12 if you like later this fall.

My affliliation with Van's is that I am the East Coast represnetative for them. As such, I have an RV-12 under construction that will be used as a factory demonstrator. The left wing is completed. I estimate that both wings and flaperons will take 60-70 hours total to complete.

Once flying, I'll be going up and down the east coast giving presentations and demo rides. Hope to give you one.

Mitch Lock
Put me on your list of prospective customers. I'm looking forward to building another. Especially one that wont cost $60/Hour to operate.
MLOCK Please add me to the list

Please add me to the list

I would like to see it if you are ever close by.

Tom Longfellow

Tallahassee area
and 74FL

The plan right now is for me to fly it to Sun & Fun next year. Just after S&F, I'll have it over at Spruce Creek for a couple of days giving demo rides. Hope to see you there.

Mitch Lock