
I'm New Here
Internet based ground school training for aviators

"When we found the Internet we thought immediately that it will cause a training revolution - big was our surprise to discover that the physical address was around the corner"...By Marius Nel
of African Pilot Magazine

Preparation for the ground school exams has always been the student’s rude awakening to the tough side of flying. Many students feel that they don’t have much spare time to study for the CAA/FAA written exam and need something intensive and focused. Enter

At the Federal Aviation Administration International Safety Forum on 29 November 2007 Giovanni Bisignani made the following remarks: “Another major challenge of growth is the availability of qualified personnel. There are 16,000 planes on manufacturers’ order books; to fly them we must produce 17,000 new pilots a year. How do we train and qualify them, while continuing to improve safety?

It’s time to ring the warning bell - we must re-think pilot training and qualification. Today, there are no global standards for training concepts or regulation, not even a shared standard between EASA and the FAA. This must change.”

This change is here and its ready to globalyse: its online aviation training - to learn more about this most amazing training revolution Click Here:D

If you would like to start your childs career in aviation, ground school lessons training starts as early as grade 10! Click Here to see a training demonstration.
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Anton, this borders on what I consider "spam"---------I have not (yet) just deleted it because it is flying related.

Can you convince me you are actually a RV builder/pilot, or are you just trying to promote your own business interests??
Letter to the garbage man

Hi Mike

I'm the proud builder of a Van's RV-6 ZU-DHP. Please check out my listing on the SA EAA chapter: Please Click Here You will also see my results (came in no. 8) in the Presidents Trophy Air Race of 2005.

Here are pictures of my aerie!

Thanks for the fair chance to bail out!

Happy Landings,
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Anton, in that case, welcome to VAF.

Really glad to have you aboard, sorry about the initial suspicion.:eek:

Congrats on the race, by the way.

You have no idea how much "spam" and other unwanted c r a p finds its way onto this site.

Just one of the prices Doug has to pay for being so successful, I guess.