
Well Known Member
A Norwegian RV and Vampire-jet formation

Hi all.

Just wanted to share some pics with you: last week, three of us joined on a Vampire veteran jet for some formation-fun.
The Vamp-pilot (the co-owner of the RV-4 on the pics by the way) used t/o-flaps and held 140 KIAS which worked really good.

The photo-ship (a Lancair) had ofcourse no problem with keeping up either.

For the next photo-shoot, we'll use finger-references which will put the RV's alittle bit further back and closer.

First a few shots in vic-formation:



Here's the ref we used:

The wingtip on the Mickey-figure, flush tails and as usual the wing TE splits the wing

Next time we'll use the wingtip to the nose, flush tails and the TE-split.
That will move the wingmen closer and further aft.

Here's how the finger looks seen from # 3:

And here we are in left Echelon on our way to the overhead break:


PS; I've built my plane so the I'm sitting in the right seat with the right hand on the stick and the left on the throttle. Where they schould be by the way... :) So it's my passenger that you're seeing looking away from lead, not me...

I've sent a few teasers to Ken at Vans as 2010 calendar-pics. We'll see if they are good enough.

Anyway; hope you enjoyed them. :)
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Utest?ende. Det m? v?re en kalender skutt.

Which translated to english means "my hovercraft is full of eels"

.... for all the nice comments guys! It's highly appreciated. :)

We're planning another photo-shoot when the spring comes. The sun is getting too low on the horizon for nice air-to-air photography at this time of year in Norway now. At that time we're planning a box formation: a white side-by-side on each wing of the Vamp and the green -4 in the slot.

Ofcourse I'll post those pics here too when the time comes.

Anthony; nice work with that languange-comment! And your translation was almost correct too... I'm impressed!
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.... for all the nice comments guys! It's highly appreciated. :)........

Anthony; nice work with that languange-comment! And your translation was almost correct too... I'm impressed!

No Problem Alf. I will say again that I was very impressed by these outstanding photos.

Which translated into Norwegian is:

Min luftputefart?y er full av